
and photography...

...have come into my life :)
Gramps was an amateur photographer and a bird lover. Photography was something that I'd always intended to take up, but I never took the step to actually embrace. There were always excuses of insufficient time, money, equipment and experience. I also thrive on being with other people and photography seemed like far too much of an individual activity to invest any time in. And birding? Well, he wasn't a lister or anything, he just liked filling the feeders in his backyard and watching the birds that came to eat. I remember learning about Baltimore Orioles from him and how oranges are their food of choice.
Fast forward to 2008 and things began to change. It was then that I decided I needed to take control of my life and the things I do in it. It's not that I was passively floating through life before, but I was working hard to try to get into medical school - so I skipped all the fun stuff in hopes of realizing that dream. Long story short, I didn't get into med school (which was for the best, in hindsight). It took a bit for me to pick myself up and decide what to do next. In the fall of '08 I got the chance to move to MI for grad school and it was then that I decided to 'take life by the horns' so to speak.
I was realizing that there were many things I 'wanted' to do, yet I made no move to actually do any them. What was I waiting for?! They were all sitting there like empty promises to myself. So, in the midst of other things, like triathlons, a marathon, and a roadtrip to the mountains, also began birding and photography.
Gramps and I had a special relationship. I was the only grand-daughter on that side of the family, so from early on I was 'Grampa's Girl'. We saw G'ma & G'pa S quite a bit, but didn't spend a whole lot of time with them. Then Grandma passed away and we started seeing Gramps all the time. He signed my brothers and I up for golf, took us out to lunch, and - wow, this memory just came back to me - bought me my first camera. It was a Nikon film P&S, nothing special, but I was on the yearbook that year and he wanted to make sure I had a good camera for that :)
There isn't anything I wouldn't give to be able to sit with him and share the pictures I've taken and talk about the birds I've seen, and those I haven't seen yet. I inherited his lenses, so all the pictures I take are truely a tribute to him. But, to sit at his kitchen table again and look out at the birds on the back deck - I can't think of any better way to spend an afternoon.
Except, maybe, attempting a 4 owl day - details to come.
A touching and insightful post, Krista. Occasionally, I'll see something interesting or beautiful and think, just for an instant, "I need to tell Dad; he'd enjoy this." Then once again I have to realize those opportunities are gone. I'm glad I was able to share as much as I did with him and am grateful for all the love he gave me, as I am sure you are with your Gramps.
I look forward to seeing more of the results of your photography and enjoying your birding adventures vicariously.
Hey you figured out how to do pictures, I like it.
I like this post; it reminds me of how I miss my grandpa any time I go to the beach because he taught me how to swim in the ocean and collect driftwood.
Bill - thanks so much for the great comment. It's comforting to know there are others that have the same desire to have more time with those that aren't with us anymore. I'm also looking forward to learning more about photography and birds and sharing it!! :)
Erica - I did figure out the pics! Thanks for your help! Thanks for reading :) and I'm glad you have such great memories of your grandpa too!
Enjoyed your post, memories. Thanks for the smile. Look forward to hearing about & seeing the owls :)
A beautiful and thoughtful tribute to your Grandpa. He gave you the gift of curiosity and shared his appreciation and love of nature. These gifts will be with you throughout your lifetime. A precious gift that will forever stay in your heart - the love of a grandfather. You will always be "grandpa's little girl".
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