Friday, April 24, 2009

I like rocks

I've decided that rock climbing is pretty badass. It's a great workout for the body and mind (not to mention what it does for your back. I think I creeped out a girl or two just staring at their ripped muscles, oops...). Climbing in the gym last night I actually followed some of the climbs that were labeled and when you try sticking to just the holds for that one route, it's a challenging little puzzle of where to put each hand or foot. I didn't make it to the top of any of the climbs (well, one, but I was cheating on that one, just using whatever holds I wanted), but I made some sweet, sweet progress.

This whole experience has been much more fun than when I tried climbing in Madison. I didn't particularly trust either of my friends when it came to belaying which resulted in no-so-much fun on the wall. In their defense, it was nothing against them, I just outweighed them and didn't trust the whole system! The gym in Ann Arbor is easily twice as tall as Boulders in Madison, yet I don't think I was worried about being too high at all yesterday. Though, more than once when I was resting mid-climb and looked down at Mark and Gab to get some advice I was surprised at how small they were :) Also, I think this tri training and yoga has been strengthening my knee quite a bit. I remember not feeling comfortable putting all my weight on my left leg while I was climbing the first time, but I can honestly say I didn't notice that once either at the Ledges or at Planet Rock. Or maybe it was just all in my head before and I'm finally over that. Either way, let's just say, Rocks Rock!

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