Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What happened to the last 6 months?

I can't really say what happened to the last 6 months, but I definitely wasn't blogging :)
The marathon training that I began, I finished and ran the Twin Cities Marathon in early October of this year. Pretty impressive stuff for not being a runner!! My time was not the focus - thankfully so, I barely squeaked by under 6 hours! - the focus was more about getting out and running and putting my mind to something and getting it done. Training was much tougher than I could have even imagined when I signed up for the race and my knee struggled through a lot of it. The saddest part of the story is that I haven't been running since the race. My foot was pretty sore right after, possible stress fracture?, so I kept off it, but have struggled to get back into a running routine. I mostly blame class and work on this, but in all reality it's my fault for being a lazy butt :)
It's the last week of classes and finals are right around the corner. My hope for the downtime I will have right after the semester ends is to unclutter my life. I am pretty good and keeping everything and throwing away nothing and my bedroom can attest to this. I'd really love to get rid of some clothes and things so that everything has a place and can be put away. I'd also like to get out and bird more, work on photography, hang out with my pup and read. So many things to do and so little time :)
Back to working on final semester projects...